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Saturday, 2 June 2012

Malawi Cichlids Website Blog

Malawi Cichlids is a personal website dedicated to the cichlids of lake Malawi. It provides lots of information and a large amount of imagery which can be found in the photo index.

Twisting down the two arms of the Great Rift Valley, the Eastern Rift Valley and Western (or Albertine) Rift Valley, one finds some of the oldest, largest and deepest lakes in the world. These include the 3 largest lakes in Africa, Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi as well as lakes Turkana, Albert, Edward, Kivu and several others.

The Lakes are important habitats for a number of fish and amphibian species, abundant birdlife and numerous crocodiles. The Rift Valley lakes are world-renowned for the diversity of cichlid fish species. Cichlids are perch-like fishes that occur only in tropical and subtropical freshwaters.

The family contains more species than any other fish family about 800 species of cichlids live in the African Rift lakes, with many more species yet to be discovered. Introduced Nile perch and overfishing have led to the decrease of many cichlid species in Lake Victoria. Read about about the fascinating Tanganyikan Cichlids or the endangered Victorian Cichlids.


1 comment:

  1. Very informative website. I have a website that tells you how to breed Malawis http://thefishdoctor.co.uk/breeding-malawis/
